Karma | Types | Consequence
I’ve taken the Webster’s dictionary definition of Karma and split into separate lines for you to absorb:
the residue generated
by a person’s actions,
its ethical consequences,
carried across lives,
determines the nature of the persons next life,
believed in Hinduism and Buddhism.

So if you follow any of the above faiths and believe in Karma & re-birth, you would know that Karma is an accumulation over lives. So how does it work?
Types of Karma
Sanchita Karma: It is the sum total of the accumulated Karma of all previous lives, residue of your past. This needs to be exhausted at some stage in your spiritual journey

Prarabda Karma: It is that part of the Sanchita Karma which is activated in your present life and which influences the course of present life actions. Depending on how you execute your present actions, you are either exhausting it or creating additional karma for yourself. A belief is that this does not exceed more than 50% of the account.
Agami Karma: It is the karma that arises out of your current life actions. You will experience the consequences of it in the coming lives. In fact, it is added to the Sanchita Karma.

Kriyamana Karma: This is the Karma whose creation and experience is in the near or distant future in your current life.