Hindu Scriptures | Unpacked
Before any organised religion came about, there existed a term called “Sanatana Dharma” or “Timeless Wisdom”. Most of the scriptures date back to 5000+ years. As Hinduism became an organised religion, these scriptures became the bedrock of the faith. Hence these are popularly referred to as Hindu scriptures or philosophy.
This ancient Wisdom is erected on 2 pillars. The foundation is referred to as Shruti where the Rishis (Saints) heard the sacred Vedas from a divine origin and Smriti, that which is remembered and of human origin. Till date, any School of Vedas teaches on the basis of Shruti, which is a rhythmic way to memorise and recite.

Shruti consists of 4 Vedas — Rig, Yajur, Sama & Atharvana Veda.
Each Veda is divided into 3 parts
- Mantra or Samhita
- Brahmanas
- Upanishad
A Mantra is a set of sentences in order & when recited in a certain sound produces a powerful effect. These are in the form of hymns & used in all religious ceremonies
The Brahmanas portion is about how rituals are conducted and they are connected to the above Mantras. There are clear instructions for every ritualistic ceremony with its meaning.
The Upanishad portion is of deep philosophical meaning & higher truths. The nature of the Supreme Self (Brahman), the Separated self (we), Universe, Bondage, Liberation paths.
There is also a 4th part of the Veda called Upaveda or Tantra. This was based on science and some of the Rishis felt this was inappropriate and took it out of the current form of scriptures.
The Smriti is also referred to as Dharma Shastra and 4 works gained a lot of prominence. This was about laws & regulations for humans, society and nation. Till date a lot of the Hindu practices are governed by these.
1. Manu Smriti or Manava Dharma Shastra
2. Yajnavalkya Smriti
3. Shankha Likhita Smriti
4. Parashara Smriti
While Shruti and Smriti are the core foundations, there are 2 key walls that hold things together called Itihasa & Puranas. Itihasa (translated as ‘as I saw’) is history and this includes the Ramayana and Mahabharata. There are 18 main Puranas and have stories, history, allegories (hidden meanings). The Bhagavad Gita quotes a lot from the Vedas and it also considered an Upanishad by some and part of Itihasa.

The sciences of Sanatana Dharma were divided into parts — Grammar, Philology, Astrology, Poetry and 64 other sciences and arts including how they need to be studied.
All these had ONE objective — Putting an end of re-birth, life, re-uniting human with the Supreme Reality (Brahman).
They all had ONE method which is imparting Wisdom (Gyaan). Several methods were suggested depending on mental constitution of humans, all roads leading to the same town.